A-levels: test your maths
NUT delegates back motion calling for national pay scales to be restored as general secretary criticises Ofsted role and efforts to privatise education http://www.theguardian.com/education/2015/apr/07/low-pay-teachers-share-rooms-nut-conference
DetailsBeing a student in the UK can be stressful and intense – so I’m glad I opted for the easygoing Netherlands http://www.theguardian.com/education/2015/apr/01/six-ways-the-dutch-are-nailing-student-life
DetailsIt’s a great job but I hated the exam burden, the doubting of my work and the fact that teachers aren’t respected http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/apr/03/why-love-teaching-leave-profession
Met the January university application deadline but received no offers? Ucas Extra, which is now open, is your chance to apply elsewhere http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/universityeducation/student-life/10657869/Ucas-Extra-another-chance-to-apply-to-university.html
DetailsAs students nationwide start preparing for their A-levels, Florence Cook reflects on revising for her exams two years ago and offers her advice to current students http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/universityeducation/student-life/11499591/A-level-revision-surviving-the-pressure.html
But study finds pupils from wealthy backgrounds still far more likely to go to university http://www.theguardian.com/education/2014/aug/13/university-tuition-fee-rise-poorer-students
DetailsThe Agency, an initiative imported from Brazil’s favelas, allows young people from deprived inner-city areas to develop business ideas benefitting their communities http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/yourbusiness/young-enterprise/11489791/How-the-Rio-slums-helped-inspire-a-start-up-revolution.html