The courses specified subsequently are indicative of the courses we offer tution for. Tuition is offered both for individual notions within each course and for the whole course.

Classical Mechanics I

Topics include: space and time, straight-line kinematics, motion in a plane, forces and equilibrium, experimental basis of Newton’s laws, particle dynamics, universal gravitation, collisions and conservation laws, work and potential energy, vibrational motion, conservative forces, inertial forces and non-inertial frames, central force motions, rigid bodies and rotational dynamics.

Electricity and Magnetism I

Electric charge, Electric fields, Dipoles, Continuous charge distributions Coordinate systems, Gradients, Line and surface integrals, Electric potential, equipotentials, Continuous charge distributions, Gauss’s law, Magnetic fields: Creating magnetic fields – Biot-Savart, Ampere’s Law, Magnetic fields: Feeling magnetic fields – charges and dipoles, Faraday’s law, Mutual inductance, LRC circuits, Maxwell’s equations, EM radiation, Generating EM radiation, Interference.

Wave Mechanics

Mechanical vibrations and waves, simple harmonic motion, superposition, forced vibrations and resonance, coupled oscillations and normal modes, vibrations of continuous systems, reflection and refraction, phase and group velocity. Optics, wave solutions to Maxwell’s equations, polarization, Snell’s law, interference, Huygens’s principle, Fraunhofer diffraction, and gratings.

Introduction to Relativity

This course introduces the basic ideas and equations of Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity. If you have hoped to understand the physics of Lorentz contraction, time dilation, the “twin paradox”, and E=mc2, you’re in the right place.

Quantum Physics I

This course covers the experimental basis of quantum physics. It introduces wave mechanics, Schrödinger’s equation in a single dimension, and Schrödinger’s equation in three dimensions.

Statistical Physics I

This course offers an introduction to probability, statistical mechanics, and thermodynamics. Numerous examples are used to illustrate a wide variety of physical phenomena such as magnetism, polyatomic gases, thermal radiation, electrons in solids, and noise in electronic devices.

Classical Mechanics II

This course covers Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, systems with constraints, rigid body dynamics, vibrations, central forces, Hamilton-Jacobi theory, action-angle variables, perturbation theory, and continuous systems. It provides an introduction to ideal and viscous fluid mechanics, including turbulence, as well as an introduction to nonlinear dynamics, including chaos.

Quantum Physics II

Topics covered in this course include the general formalism of quantum mechanics, harmonic oscillator, quantum mechanics in three-dimensions, angular momentum, spin, and addition of angular momentum.

Quantum Physics III

Topics in this course include time-independent approximation methods, the structure of one- and two-electron atoms, charged particles in a magnetic field, scattering, and time-dependent perturbation theory.

Statistical Physics II

Topics include: Microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical partition-functions and associated thermodynamic potentials. Also discussed are conditions of thermodynamic equilibrium for homogenous and heterogenous systems.

Electricity and Magnetism II

This course is a survey of basic electromagnetic phenomena: electrostatics; magnetostatics; electromagnetic properties of matter; time-dependent electromagnetic fields; Maxwell’s equations; electromagnetic waves; emission, absorption, and scattering of radiation; and relativistic electrodynamics and mechanics.

General Relativity

The basic principles of Einstein’s general theory of relativity, differential geometry, experimental tests of general relativity, black holes, and cosmology.

In all cases we take into account the mathematical background of our students and design programs of studies tailored to their needs.

Other Courses

Primary Maths

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IGCSE Maths and Physics

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IB Maths and Physics

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Mathematics Admissions Test (MAT)

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Lower Secondary Maths

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A Level Maths

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University Maths

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Sixth Term Examination Paper (STEP)

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GCSE Maths and Physics

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A Level Physics

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University Physics

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Ucas Applications

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