The unit of time used to determine tuition rates is one hour, but tuition may also be given in multiples or fractions of this.
Our ETUTORME tutors who teach undergraduate courses and assist students preparing for the Oxford MAT and the Cambridge STEP are Britain’s top 5% academics – PhDs, Lecturers, researchers in Mathematics with extensive teaching and lecturing experience from leading UK universities such as Cambridge, Oxford, UCL, Imperial, KCL, QMW and many more.
Ucas Applications
The fee for the Ucas Applications covers the application to Universities, application for student loan and University accommodation, tracking of the progress of the application until the final stage of the student’s acceptance by a University, Ucas Extra and Clearing process in case they are needed.
You are expected to pay the fee in two equal instalments, at the beginning of the application process, and on the 10th of January of 2016.
The Agency Commission is £5 per hour
To obtain the fee per hour retained by the tutor the agency commission must be SUBTRACTED from the rates shown in the table above. Thus the fee per hour retained by the tutor is as follows.
The agency forwards to the tutors the tutors’ fees collected during a calendar month at the end of the month.
If a tuition session is canceled by the tutor it is rescheduled for another time. If a tuition session is cancelled by a client and the client does not want anymore to have the tuition session then the following policy applies: If a tuition session is cancelled by the client three days before the day of the arranged session, or prior, the client is entitled to reimbursement of the whole fee. If the cancellation occurs within the last two days before the day of the arranged session the client is entitled to reimbursement of half of the fee. If the client cancels an arranged tuition session in the day of the session the client is not entitled to any reimbursement.
Τhe tuition rate when two children from the same family are taught simultaneously is the individual tuition rate increased by 10%. For each further member of the same family taught simultaneously, a further 10% more than the individual rate is charged up to a maximum of twice the individual rate. Agency commission is increased in the same proportion.
For simultaneous tuition of pupils from different families add 25% to the individual rate for each student up to twice the individual rate. Agency commission is increased in the same proportion.
Where an individual or group is to receive six or more hours tuition per week, on a regular basis from a single tutor, the fee per hour should be reduced by 10% and the agency commission by 25%.